colonial Leaders

who is  john smith
come to new world
that will not work shall not eat
got rich
virginia colony
English soldier
that is john smith

roll A story

Jakayla was walking at 2:00 at night and she saw a mummy. The mummy took Jakayla. Austin went for her but was too fast for Austin. He went home to go get some more people to go find Jakayla but the mummy came back for Austin. Austin was faster than the mummy, He ran after him till he got home. Then he came and got Tarian to help him get Jakayla from the mummy.

9/11 Refletions

9/11 was bad thige that happen. I was sad wehe my mom telld me what happen. it happen in 3 plase. 2 plans hit the tiwn towes in New york and the pentagon in wasteDc  and  an plan hit in a felld  in pennsylvina . and  all the outer plans as ben land beuse we did not kowe  if any dody that wted to hrt more people.

Aerial view of the Pentagon Building located in Washington, District of Columbia (DC), showing emergency crews responding to the destruction caused when a high-jacked commercial jetliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building, during the 9/11 terrorists attacks.


Life in 5th Grade

I like the 5th Grade I like mrs.Ummle. she is My homeroom but we do not say  in her room we go to 5 csse. and we go outside to look at the trees in cass. we have  reading cass and two math cass and 5th Grade is fun. and I hope the nexe people  like it to. I like all the cass they are fun and if you have time at the eae you and all of the cass is fun and your cass shet you wot be abe  to say in one room you will have 5 defet cass.